Nice. I like the colors and the way it all flows.
Would look at again/10
Nice. I like the colors and the way it all flows.
Would look at again/10
Holy shit man, I did NOT see the username when I saw this review. I miss you, dude! Hope all is well.
I have
shit in my pants
because of this.
Would love to buy something like this from the ng store, with a mix of ng related characters.
Bomtoons is the man, as are you. Greeeaaaattt fan art. I'm sure your take on any other parts of the game would be just as awesome. **nudge it direction of doing more of these high five!**
haha thanks!
i may be doing that once i get a bit more time on my plate. thanks for stopping by and writing me up a review. BoMToons is indeed the man!
*highfives back!*
you are terrible at thumbnailing but awesome at arting. Is this from something?
so gud
I am looking at your stuff trying to figure out how to paint in photoshop, LOL.
So far I think the process is something like:
step 1. draw outlines
step 2. ???????????
step 3. awesome art
Oh yea also great pic, love all the details, and the sword as previously mentioned is for lack of a larger vocabulary, awesome.
thanks for the 10 coaly!
basically once your lines look good just do a flat color pass. if your stuff is all in its own cells and segments like mine its fairly easy to get those basic colors on your dude.
after that add a light source and get some shading in there. photoshop is great cause if you alt click inbetween layers it locks the top to only influence the layer under it (try it out to see what i mean, it's hard to explain in words).
then use the overlay layer style with some textures, and add anotehr polish pass to push some of your favorite parts of the image!
hope that helps pal. best of luck! :D
I think I'll just leave my calendar on this month all year long. Really terrific, it would be cool to see a sped up recording of you creating one of these.
thanks for the ten coaly.
yeah i've been looking into doing some timelapse, hopefully somehting will come by soon.
i'll be sure to share it with all you guys. ;D
After this I think you blend and then it's an art, but idk I still don't get this photoshop dealy.
Pretty nice interpretation of tankmen, and of course high quality work. I saw some other people mentioned the face, and I'd have to agree that it does seem very off. It seems like the whole head is a bit too far to the left (our left) and the position of the mouth and goggles are odd... well I suppose the whole composure of the face seems odd.
But you did say you quickly did it so...
haha, i'll tick off another un-satisfied customer on the face. i'll try harder next time for sure.
thanks for the high review regardless. :D
Hey Kraig, nice picture, I'm glad you're putting up stuff here, some douchebag voted zero, but I fived.
Age 35, Male
Joined on 8/11/04